Show Them Some Love!

Show Them Some Love!

Celebrations abound in May, and we have some wonderful opportunities to thank those who serve us so well.  I would like to help you show someone special in your life what their service means to you, so our May giveaway is to someone of your choosing.  I'll explain after a little rumination on our American holidays that honor these special people.

Nurses are actually recognized on two days in May; the 6th is National Nurses' Day and the 12th is International Nurses' Day.  I understand that generalizations are generally true (which holds for every category in this article), but for the most part, nurses are known as giving and caring to people who could be having some of their worst days, or possibly some of their best, as in the birth of a child.  I also understand that personal narratives are not always true across the board.  Having said that, the nurses I know work odd shifts, beginning at o'dark thirty or late at night for 12 hours at a time.  Unless you are a nurse, can you imagine trying to be compassionate to anyone when you've been on your feet for 11-1/2 hours, let alone someone who might be very grumpy due to pain or illness?  This is why we give them accolades-they perform a job the rest of us think is unimaginable when they are tired and weary with love.  We have a bundle specifically designed for nurses that you can use to make and deliver to your local hospital, doctor's office, clinic or nursing home (please forgive me if I forgot any places they tend to hang out).  

National Teacher Appreciation Day is May 7th.  In this area, I can speak from experience; I've taught in public schools, a private faith-based school and home educated my children.  Unlike nurses, teachers are not assigned shifts, though they may be contractually obligated to certain times at the workplace.  However, any educator worth their salt spends as much or more time outside the classroom planning lessons, figuring grades, coaching teams, and performing many tasks unseen by the community.  They are challenged with broken homes, little discipline, educational requirements and sometimes, politically-driven administration, to name a few.   For me, the rewards of the lightbulb moment, a quick hug, thank you or joke from a student, the stories from parents about their child's growth and supportive administration and staff made those hours and frustrations all worth it.  You can involve your children in observing the special day by making cookies with our teacher bundle.


Of all these, Mother's Day is the oldest, as it became an official US holiday in 1914.  Hopefully, you had a wonderful role model in your mom like I did.  Our needs took priority over her own; we always had everything we needed and some things we wanted while her things could wait or last a little longer.  She worked hard for us inside and outside the home, and she made sure we received the training and education to become productive citizens.  She let us make mistakes but was always there to pick up the pieces.  To this day, she is my biggest cheerleader, my confidant, my go-to for venting and my deeply trusted friend.  If you did not have an idyllic childhood, I hope you had someone in your life who taught you well so that you could do better.  None of us can be perfect moms, because only one Person who ever walked this earth as a human was perfect.  We can be as loving as possible, even if discipline needs to be swift and sharp.  So whether you are honoring your mom, a mother-in-law, an aunt or another woman who has been a role model in your life, our Mother's Day cookie cutters can help you delight them.  This year, Mother's Day is May 12, so you have a little time to grab your bundle.

Mother's Day may be the oldest officially-recognized US holiday in May, but Memorial Day is the one that's been observed the longest.  The first Memorial Day was in 1868 to remember Civil War soldiers.  Now we commemorate all our military service members who gave their lives to serve this country during the last weekend in May.  Of course, attending a parade, visiting a cemetery or observing a moment of silence are more important than cookies.  We can still incorporate them into our celebrations, though.  If you decide to send care packages to bases here or abroad or visit a veterans' home, cookies are always a welcome treat, especially if everyone in the family has helped.  Our patriotic bundle is perfect for those purposes as well as backyard barbecues throughout the summer holiday season.

All of these days of recognition are for specific individuals who give sacrificially of themselves to serve others.  They have a higher calling than prosperity or comfort, and they give selflessly, some even "the last full measure of devotion," as Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address.  While some celebrations are rightly somber affairs, we can honor these people in small ways as well.

Cookies are a theme here, obviously.  I would also like to help you recognize someone you hold dear, so this month's giveaway will be to someone you nominate.  You enter by commenting on this article, telling me why your nominee should win.  The winner will receive a $100 gift card from American Giant which is a company that sources and makes clothes for men and women right here in the US.  Tell us all about your mom, nurse/teacher friend or military hero, and we'll give them some love, too!  Contest is open now through May 8.  Happy entering!!

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